Opposition discusses cooperation - Wilmot James

Nine parties meet to identify and discuss areas of common interest

DA welcomes cooperation initiative with other opposition parties

At the multi-party round table dialogue in Cape Town today, the Democratic Alliance (DA) was represented by a delegation of three - Federal Chairperson, Dr Wilmot James, and his two deputies, MPs Anchen Dreyer and Dianne Kohler Barnard.

The DA delegation from the Official Opposition, attended the meeting with a view to determine points of interest on which to collaborate with the nine attending opposition parties.  The points of interest covered the need for a united front in relation to major issues, such as the Secrecy Bill, the possible abuse of state funds by the ANC for its centenary celebration and the lack of service delivery.  We also raised the need for a mechanism to facilitate such proposed cooperation, on a determined, regular basis.

We welcome the initiative, as it builds on the long-standing efforts of the DA under the leadership of Helen Zille. Our vision of the realignment of politics is further augmented by such initiatives.  To date our move into coalition politics has led to a merger with the Independent Democrats as well as joint governance with various other opposition parties. 

It is acknowledged that where the DA governs, the lives of the citizens are improved, and should initiatives such as the one attended today lead to more confidence in the political processes of the country on the part of our citizens, then it will have been a day well spent.

We congratulate all the opposition parties for focussing their sights on the benefits of cooperation politics, and will now take the proposals made at this event back to our Federal Executive for consideration and further dialogue. 

Statement issued by Dr. Wilmot James MP, DA Federal Chairperson, November 25 2011

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