Violent attacks on peaceful youth condemned – MKYL

Youth League says unholy GNU ministers authorised a violent crackdown on vulnerable, unarmed youth

MKYL condemns violent attacks on peaceful youth protestors by Department of Education and Policing

1 August 2024

The uMkhonto weSizwe Party Youth League (MKYL) pledged its unwavering support and joined the overnight strike in Tshwane, in solidarity with the Gauteng Youth Brigade Organisation, representing 32,000 young people. Brave youth were peacefully camping at the Department of Basic Education (DBE) offices, seeking permanent employment following the termination of their contracts on 31 July 2024. This decision has thrust 32,000 young people into the harsh reality of unemployment, exacerbating an already critical issue in the absence of a solid plan to this growing trend of youth unemployment.

In a shameful display of brutality and disregard for human rights, the unholy GNU Ministers in the Departments of Basic Education and Policing authorised a violent crackdown on these vulnerable, unarmed youth. These young people braved the cold and camped out at the DBE Offices, were already tired, weak, and hungry, but continued their peaceful protest into the next day, where they were met with rubber bullets and aggression. This inhumane act resulted in several injuries, further victimising those who were simply exercising their democratic right to protest against unjust and unlawful labour practises.

The MKYL condemns in the strongest possible terms the violent actions taken by the departments against defenceless young citizens. This attack is not only an assault on the physical bodies of our youth but a direct attack on their hopes, aspirations, and constitutional rights. The use of excessive force against peaceful demonstrators is a clear indication of the government's disregard for the plight of its young citizens and its willingness to maintain a status quo of inequality and injustice through violence and intimidation.

It is beyond reprehensible that the Ministers in charge of Education and Policing, whose primary responsibilities include the protection and empowerment of the youth, have instead chosen to suppress and harm them.

Furthermore, it is deeply troubling that the concerns of young people, as presented by the Gauteng Youth Brigade on 12 July, were arrogantly dismissed by the government.

Their response, claiming that the memorandum "fell through the cracks of a busy period," is unacceptable. What is the government so preoccupied with that the urgent concerns of its majority population can be so easily ignored? Who are they really working for if not for the people they are supposed to serve?

The MKYL demands immediate accountability from the Ministers involved in this atrocity. We call for an independent investigation into the use of force against the peaceful protesters and demand that those responsible for ordering and executing this violent attack be held accountable. Furthermore, we insist that the government urgently addresses the demands of the Gauteng Youth Brigade and takes concrete steps towards ensuring permanent employment for these young people.

The MKYL will not stand by silently as the rights and futures of our youth are trampled upon. We stand in solidarity with the injured and the oppressed and will continue to fight tirelessly against such injustices. The struggle for a fair, just, and equitable society continues, and we call upon all sectors of society to join us in condemning these acts of brutality and demanding a government that truly serves its people.

Issued by Sithembile Nkosi, Acting Secretary General, uMkhonto weSizwe Party Youth League, 1 August 2024