Why is expelled member allowed at IEC Results Operations Centre? – MKP

Party seeks explanation regarding its admission of Jabulani Khumalo to ROC in Midrand

MK Party seeks explanation from IEC regarding its admission of the disgraced and expelled member Mr. Jabulani Khumalo to the Results Operations Centre

27 May 2024

The MK Party has formally written an official letter addressing a grave concern to the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC), questioning the circumstances under which Mr. Jabulani Khumalo was granted access to the IEC's Results Operations Centre (ROC) in Midrand.

Despite clear judicial and organizational resolutions confirming Mr. Khumalo’s expulsion from the party and resignation from leadership, which the IEC itself confirmed his presence at the ROC, contradicts these well-established facts and raises significant questions about the adherence to protocol and the objectives of IEC in this matter.

We have raised serious concerns in previous statements regarding Jabulani Khumalo's disturbingly close relationships and proximity to senior officials at the IEC, and this can only be a further confirmation that our assertions and intelligence reports were solid in fact.

In light of the above, we therefore request that the IEC responds to our letter by no later close of business today and provide a satisfactory explanation for this oversight. Failure to do so will compel the MK Party to consider all available legal options, including courts to address this grievance. This step underscores our commitment to uphold the democratic processes and ensure that our electoral body maintains the highest standards of integrity and impartiality.

The MK Party remains deeply concerned about the appearance of conduct that is seemingly partisan by the IEC, particularly the perception that it may be influenced by external political interests, notably playing for the ANC of Ramaphosa. It is crucial, especially in times of electoral activities, that the IEC demonstrates beyond doubt its independence and fairness since any actions perceived as favouritism undermine public trust in our democratic institutions and taint the electoral process.

We urge the IEC to respond promptly and thoroughly to our inquiry to assure us and all South Africans that IEC has not fallen into the traps, like with many state institutions under Ramaphosa, to be a tool of Ramaphosa and his ANC. It is a known fact to alt South Africans, including the IEC that the MK Party stands united and strong behind its leader, President Zuma and it is overly confident that President Zuma will be at the Union Building post May 2029 elections.

We call upon all South Africans to remain vigilant and to hold all institutions accountable, ensuring that our democracy remains robust and unblemished by undue influence. But most importantly, to guard against plans by the ANC of Cyril Ramaphosa to rig elections as evidence is beginning to show. Let us all go out and vote on May 29 to ensure that the MK party gets a 2/3 majority so that we can address loadshedding, unemployment, poverty, and corruption in our beautiful country South Africa.

Issued by Nhlamulo Ndhlela, Media and Communications, MK Party, 27 May 2024